Jul 26, 2022 | Concrete, Equipment and Tools, Home Improvement, Tips and Tricks
Finishing a concrete floor requires a number of steps to be followed, certain equipment to be used, and materials. The first step when finishing concrete is to screed it. By definition, screeding means using a straight edge tool to level wet concrete to promote a...
Oct 21, 2021 | Concrete, Equipment and Tools
There are a bunch of concrete hand tools out there that you need when working on a concrete project. If your concrete project concerns driveway, patio, or sidewalk, you can aim for a broom finish using a horsehair broom. The horsehair broom is a helpful tool when you...
Oct 11, 2021 | Concrete, Equipment and Tools, Home Improvement, Tips and Tricks
Concrete work is the building block for the development and growth of our society. And when there’s a concrete project, hand tools will never be out of sight. Let’s explore some of those tools that deem useful not just for concrete laborers, but also for...